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“With the help of newborn stem cells stored by CBR, I redefine my limits every day.”

Anneliese Kvashay / Client Stories
August 1, 2024

Hunter Moore’s favorite phrase to hear may just be, “You can’t do that.” To him, it’s just further fuel for defying the odds. Still in high school and already a champion bodybuilder with over 93,000 Instagram followers, this teen has overcome incredible obstacles to get where he is today.

At just nine months old, Hunter was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and doctors told his parents that he would be in a wheelchair his entire life. The family credits an experimental cord blood infusion with Hunter’s remarkable transformation.*

Today, Hunter says he’ll never know where he would be without CBR. Luckily, preserving his cord blood gave him the chance to receive an experimental treatment and his determination is helping him redefine his limits.

Enroll with CBR to help prepare for life’s what-ifs. Preserving the incredible resource of your baby’s newborn stem cells is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that could potentially help your family like it did for the Moores.

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